
Alice Eloise's Silver Linings: The Story of a Silly Service Dog

Created by Sarah Kathryn Frey

We love looking for silver linings. Why? We believe they can be life changing. I have struggled with serious illness since I was 12 years old. But through those struggles I realized something: I would rather be happy than sad. So I made the decision to look for silver linings every day. The day Alice Eloise and I met was like Christmas morning magic. She immediately became my favorite silver lining. This silly puppy and I grew into a service dog team. We go on grand adventures together anywhere our paws may take us, looking for silver linings all along the way. We get it . . . Oftentimes life isn't easy! We still have tough days - but together we look forward to the silver lining of better days yet to come. Our journey has taught us that it is okay to be unique, that our limitations do not define us, and that a "pawsitive" attitude can make all the difference. That is the heart of our silver lining story. We are so excited to introduce to you "Alice Eloise’s Silver Linings: The Story of a Silly Service Dog."

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We are doing a happy dance! The wait is nearly over!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 03:31:42 PM

We are doing a happy dance! The wait is nearly over!

We finally got our first look at our book yesterday! We received a “fold and gather” copy of the book, which is essentially the entire book, cover and all, just without the binding. It is so surreal! The book is truly beautiful, and we are so very excited for all of you to see it.

And that will be happening really, really soon! We already have 1,500 plushies sitting in our family room. This coming Friday, 3,000 books will be joining them! We will be mailing out orders as quickly as we possibly can. So get pumped!

Thank you so much for your support, everybody! We will keep you posted!

With love and Doodle kisses 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise

Valentine's Day Coloring Pages + Big News Coming Soon!
about 3 years ago – Tue, Feb 09, 2021 at 02:08:57 AM

Happy Valentine's Week, Friends!

Alice Eloise wants to send you a big, sloppy Doodle kiss, plus a few Valentine’s Day coloring pages! If you can’t make it to the Hallmark store for cards, no worries, we’ve got you covered. Just print these out and color one for anybody you want to share some love with. We would be delighted to see the masterpieces you or your kiddos create! Take a photo of your artwork and tag us on social media! Follow this link to get these adorable coloring pages for yourself.

Stay tuned! We will have big news to share very soon!

With lots of love and oodles of Doodle kisses 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise

Backer Surveys! - Important Information
over 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 03:15:59 AM

***IMPORTANT BACKER INFORMATION***  Our backer surveys are officially sent! You should be receiving an email with your survey that will provide us with your mailing information and everything we need to know to fulfill your order. If you purchased add-on items, this survey is your opportunity to specify exactly what you want. As always, please reach out if you have any questions at all! (And if you did not receive a survey, please send me a message so we can get you taken care of.) Thank you so very much, friends! 

With love and Doodle kisses 🐶💋 

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise

Plushie Update!!!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 06:54:48 PM

Throughout my journey as an author there have been a number of milestones that have felt truly surreal . . .

For example, Alice Eloise and I feel like Disney characters when we see our illustrations come to life! Being a Disney character has been a lifelong dream of mine. The question is, who is the princess and who is the sidekick here?

And then I felt simply overjoyed when, thanks to you guys, we exceeded our Kickstarter goal.

This past week I experienced yet another surreal moment when I received a photo from the plushie manufacturer.

And . . . well . . . see for yourself . . .

THANK YOU!!! + What's Next?
over 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 04, 2020 at 02:42:47 AM

PARTY TIME!!! Thank you, truly, for making our Kickstarter campaign not only a success, but so very special! We could say thank you a million times and it would never feel like enough. But thank you anyway for going above and beyond to make our dream come true.

So what’s next? Right now Kickstarter is processing all of the payments. In the next couple weeks we will be sending out backer surveys to collect mailing addresses and add-on information. I will be sure to post an update when those go out, so stay tuned! And in the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].

Sending a million THANK YOUs and oodles of Doodle kisses to you, friends! 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise